A Drug Free Alternative for Horses
With Photobiomodulation (PBM Therapy) previously known as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) you can heal and relieve pain:
- Muscle, tendon & ligament injuries
- Pain management from trauma & post surgical wounds
- Inflammation & swelling
- Wound healing including degloving injuries
- Degenerative disc disease & more
When the drugs don't work
Anti-inflammatory drugs do not heal, they can not be used before a competition and they often have side effects. We believe that our Cold laser therapy should replace NSAIDS as the first treatment for equine injuries. Cold Laser can be applied by vets, owners, riders and trainers and is best delivered as soon as an injury occurs.
MD's and scientists have now published over 1,000 laboratory and clinical trials (RCT's) in medical journals now proving that not only can cold lasers heal soft and hard tissue, but they can also offer pain relief and rapidly resolve inflammation without side effects of drug therapies and for less cost.
What is it?
Laser and LED beams of light can stimulate the cells in the body that repair tissue, reduce inflammation and transmit pain.
How PBM Therapy works
Certain wavelengths of light can stimulate or inhibit cellular function according to it's intensity and the time applied.
Lasers and LED's produce intense beams of light at specific wavelengths. When the right wavelength at the right intensity is used at the correct anatomical location for the right amount of time you can stimulate repair, resolve inflammation and reduce pain.
One of the primary mechanisms is the effect of light on cytochrome c oxidase and the consequently the unbinding of nitric oxide and release of ATP leading to improved cellular function. For anti-inflammatory effects we have found a measurable reduction in PGE2, TNF Alpha and IL-6 in the synovia surrounding damaged tendons and for analgesia high intensity lasers over nerve supply can inhibit fast axonal flow.
In addition, high intensity single point lasers can release trigger points and treat acupuncture points instead of needles.
Once you understand these mechanisms and their subsequent physiological effects PBM becomes a powerful tool. We hope you use your laser extensively and create great value for patients and your practice. PBM improve healing and are a drug free analgesic.
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3B or Class IV Lasers? What's the difference?
Class IV lasers are stronger than 3B but they do not work as well because they can over treat tissue. Just like any medicine an overdose can be a bad thing.
Class IV beams need to be defocused so that they do not cut tissue, and so they work in the same fashion as 3B lasers, but even so the beams are still a bit too strong and do not work so well. Scientific evidence confirms that lower intensity is more effective for inflammation and healing. High intensity is however good for analgesia so THOR have both high and low intensity lasers / LEDs. Read more here 3B vs Class IV Lasers
Download 'Introduction to PBM for veterinarians' Includes 24 clinical trial abstracts
We make it simple
- Online treatment library:
Shows you which probe, what settings and where to treat. - Online tech and treatment support:
If you cant find a treatment protocol you need, we will write it for you. - Hands on training:
We run 24 training courses in the USA, 24 in the UK and 6 in Australia every year.
It is important to me that the best care and treatment is available to all horses and that means good product and good training is provided.
Call us now and tell us how we can help you heal your horses.
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Prices from US$16,000 to US$40,000 (£12,495–£31,995 + VAT)

DDv Portable system includes:
- DDV Portable control unit
- Large healing / anti-inflammatory 69 LED cluster
- Analgesic 810nm 1Watt laser cluster (5 x 200mW)
- 5 year conditional warranty
- Access to the THOR treatment library
- 2 x Laser safety glasses
Optional Probe
- THOR Trigger Point 810nm 200mW laser

THOR Photobiomodulation Newsletter (See previous edition)
Please add me to the THOR training, research and conference Newsletter.
Cold Laser Equine Published Research
Case Study 1
A 4 year old Quarter horse stallion with a two year old injury which left the hind quarter and inner thigh with a fibrotic myopathy, very restricted movement and lameness. The only options offered to help him were either surgery or intensive physiotherapy. He was unrideable and after a year of physiotherapy, there was still lameness and hardened muscles which wouldn't stretch.
Thor laser was applied daily for two weeks using both the LED and 1 watt laser probe.
Within the first week of treatment considerable softening of the fibrotic myopathy was noticed, and as a result of this the leg began to free up. His demeanor improved and he became a lot more active.
Two months after the laser was first applied the horse began light work under saddle, He continues laser treatment on a weekly basis and is still improving, He is now being ridden a number of times per week.
Case Study 2
A week old foal, sustained a kick on the inner upper forearm, a two inch hole down to deep muscle. Once the bleeding had stopped, LED was applied to activate the lymph system, it was also applied around and over the wound. The foal was kept in a clean stable over night. The morning after there was no swelling and no lameness, the edges of the wound looked clean and healthy.
LED was applied daily, by day three new skin was starting to regenerate around the edge of the wound, still no lameness or swelling.
By day five there was a clean scab forming, there was no infection in or around the wound at all.
Twelve days later the scab was getting smaller and the new skin around the would was healthy.
After another week of daily LED treatments the wound had healed with perfect skin. The foal was never lame, had no swelling or infection, the wound was never covered with creams or powders, and she received no drugs throughout the treatments.
Three months after treatments no scar is visible, the skin looks normal, healthy and hair grew back over the wound.
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THOR PBM Therapy for Horses
Anna Johnson is the British 3 Day Olympic team equine physio. Here she demonstrates the THOR laser system for pain relief and tissue healing.
"I use Laser on wounds, tendon injuries and back problems... I use it in the very acute situations immediately, once bleeding has stopped, on any knocks or cuts... Laser has an advantage over ultrasound where gaining contact is difficult (i.e. on animals where clipping the hair is inappropriate). As a busy, mobile physio mainly treating animals in "non- clinic" situations I find the compact THOR laser is the easiest form of electrotherapy to apply."
M.C.S.P., S.R.P., Grad Dip Phys., ACPAT Member
British 3 Day Event Team Physio
"From pain relief to resolving inflammation to healing tendons, ligaments, fractures and muscle injuries we have used THOR lasers on our horses.
We have taken our machine to every major event since we purchased the unit some years ago and today we recommend THOR as the company who can offer the best equipment and education to riders, owners and trainers all of levels with in the equine world.
Their customer service and ability to train our staff to be confident in treating horses with the laser has been hugely helpful to us when at a major event like the Olympics, where we could rely on our grooms to conduct treatments allowing us to focus on other tasks."
O'Connor eventing team
"I use THOR lasers because of there handy size and safe use around horses. Due to the compact portable units, horses can be treated in their usual environment. This helps keep the horse quiet and allows us to work safely and efficiently, which means I get the best possible results."
Gabriela Briner
Equine Sports Massage Therapy (ESMT)
"It is a pleasure to recommend the THOR laser. I have been a client for two years. I purchased a THOR laser and it has been under extensive use. I find it superior to any other laser available for the type of therapy I employ. I certainly appreciate the support that you offer after the sale, this is oftentimes forgotten with others...Thanks."
H.L. Mitchell DVM
Bristow Veterinary Clinic, L.L.C.
"I have intended to write for some time to let you know that I am very pleased with my Thor Laser. So far it is the best investment that I have made for my practice.
My practice is over 95% equine with some small animal. Approximately 80% of my practice is alternative therapy- ie, chiropractic and acupuncture. By far the majority of my work is with musculoskeletal problems. I use the Thor laser daily and have seen excellent responses to a number of situations such as suspensory desmitis, tendonitis, various joint and soft tissue injuries, wounds and creating acupuncture points.
The small animal part of my practice is limited to alternative therapy. I use far fewer needles now and in many cases use no needles at all, instead using only the Thor laser. I have had very positive responses to V disc injuries, hip dysplasia, arthritis, and various neurological problems. Both equine and small animal patients seem to enjoy the treatments and virtually all patients become very relaxed when treated. I would like to thank you for everything, This machine is certainly a valuable asset for my practice."
Darrel R. Kramer, DVM
"I am an equine veterinary practitioner who utilizes acupuncture extensively in my practice. We also do rehabilitation cases utilizing a number adjunctive therapies in a holistic approach.
I have utilized laser and infra-red emitting diodes for acupuncture work and tissue repair since 1990. I have always been frustrated with the time required to transmit an adequate dose. The THOR laser has solved that frustration... Results of treatment with the THOR laser have been very rewarding and I can, with good conscience, recommend the product."
Institute for Equine Therapeutic Options
South Carolina, USA
"The Thor laser has been of great benefit in the treatment of pain. We primarily treat horses, dogs and cats with acupuncture. Several times there have been acupuncture points that these animals would not allow us to treat with needles. It is at these times that we have used the Thor laser. Before now, other lasers have not provided enough stimulation to treat the acupuncture points. The Thor laser does provide enough power and has been very effective in treating acupuncture points.
Locally, it has been very beneficial in treating myofascial pain that was resistant to acupuncture. Overall, this instrument has allowed me to take the care for my patients to a higher level. I would not want to practice without it."
El Cajon Valley Veterinary Hospital